We have learned so so much over this past 2 years…it was the toughest moment for each one of us…we have embarked on a new journey of doing a blog and writing ….You may ask,Why Write? ……Emotional Healing Writing about past events works. The process of exploring emotions associated with events and people in our past can be like cleansing and disinfecting a wound that refuses to heal. Yes, it can be a little painful, but afterwards the wound is clean; the clogged emotional state that kept the wound has been bathed and soothed and has a better chance of healing properly. While writing for emotional healing, one writes as honestly as possible.Writing honestly and vulnerably connects one to oneself.Writing about difficult and hurtful experiences and acknowledging that the pain and emotion still existin someone while they are writing can help them to heal. This writing allows one to move through the process, keep what one needs to grow and release unhelpful thoughts and feelings….. please follow as we give you our stories…
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